How to Determine Your Next Career Step
Get free access to the exact step-by-step process I used to figure out what career was aligned with my soul and perfect just for me.
This is also the process I use with all my 1:1 clients.
You’ve done all the right things, ticked all the boxes, yet there is something deep within you that is telling you that you’re meant for MORE.
🌟 You’ve had success in your career. On paper, you look successful, yet you don’t FEEL that way.
🌟You’re exhausted at the end of the day.
🌟Maybe having to be a completely separate person in your current career to fit in.
🌟 You lay awake at night tossing and turning, knowing you need to make a change.
🌟 You’ve looked into different options, maybe even tried to make some changes with a different job or a different industry, but you’re not getting IT.
🌟The feeling deep in your soul is not going away.
All you really want to do is spend your time using your gifts, doing what you love and feel excited again!
💥 You’re really beginning to wonder how others do it?
💥 How do they determine what sets their souls on fire?
Keep reading….I have some really good news…
This is exactly what this guide is all about.
I will show you exactly the step-by-step process that I used to determine the career that lights up my soul, which I now use with all my clients.
I went from being a CPA, earning 6-figures and climbing the corporate ladder, to being a self-employed coach, doing what my heart and soul came here to do.
It took me years to figure out how to know what to do.
The secret is you need to know certain pieces about yourself first.
Most people approach the process backwards….
They go out and look at what they see as their options and try to cram their sparkly self into them.
It doesn’t work and leaves you feeling worse about yourself.
Hey, I’m Andrea…
I used to be a Certified Professional Accountant working as a financial controller at a large national non-profit. Managing $10M-$20M budgets/financials and overseeing a team of people.
On paper I was successful, but I was miserable on the inside.
I didn’t belong. I did my best to fit in, but my soul cried for more. I knew I was meant to run my own business and help people.
It took me a number of years to put together all the pieces to figure out what to do and how to do it. I had to be sure I had all the pieces as there wasn’t room for error as I am a single parent.
I started my business on the side and eventually left my 6-figure corporate job and went full-time.
Now it is my mission to help other women get unstuck and discover the career or business that has their soul written all over it and help them make that transition.
The world needs new-paradigm leaders to bring in this new era of consciousness. It is my greater pleasure and honour to support those women who are following the song of their souls.