Are you Ready to Start Feeling Absolutely AMAZING, FULFILLED and PASSIONATE in your Career?
Do you keep attracting the same crappy situation over and over again…the company, the position, the people may all BE different…
but you ultimately FEEL The same?
It’s time to switch up those old patterns and MAGNETIZE the positions, the companies, and the opportunities that will light your soul on fire!
If you are sick and tired of working hard and not getting anywhere
Want more deets? Keep scrolling, I’ve got you covered…
How to Raise Your Energetic Frequency to Increase Career Fulfillment
Tuesday, Nov 14th @ 4pm PST/7pm EST
Thursday, Nov 16th @ 4pm PST/7pm EST
Tuesday, Nov 21st @ 4pm PST/7pm EST
With Andrea Horvath
Increase your energetic frequency…
…so you are the one being sought out
…so you are the one who is head-hunted
…so you are the one potential employers are lining up to hire
…so yours is the name that is dropped in rooms where opportunities are discussed
Here’s the truth…
whether you know it or not, your vibrational frequency (your energy) is determining an incredible amount of your success and fulfillment in your career. It’s always attracting or repelling situations, opportunities and people.
You could have the most brilliant strategy and be taking massive action, but ultimately if you are fearful it won’t work, or feel unworthy, desperate, you become a hamster on wheel, getting closer and closer to burnout…if you’re not already there.
If this is you, it is simply that you are attracting things you don’t want.
What this is not…
Having a high energetic frequency is not the same as being positive.
You can be positive and have a low frequency.
You will attract the job, career, opportunities, people, etc. based on your energetic frequency.
Being positive is about CHOOSING a certain mindset.
Having a high energetic frequency is EMBODYING authenticity, integrity, unconditional love and a deep and profound sense of truth and faith
Ask yourself, how do you feel most of the time?
🔥 Are you fully engaged, open and passionate about your career? Are you able to be authentically you and feel truly valued for the unique gifts and talents you have to offer? Do you feel love for what you do and so incredibly grateful that you get to do what you do?
🔥 Do you feel scared to speak up for yourself or speak your truth? Getting to the end of your day feeling completely drained and exhausted. You try to apply on other jobs, but each job is feeling the same, so you’re now at the point of thinking to yourself…why even bother?
If you are feeling the latter I am giving you permission to STOP.
STOP taking all that action.
You absolutely MUST raise your VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY first
How Energy Works
Energy Actually Works
Once you understand how energy actually works and the magnitude of how it affects the level of fulfillment and success you have in your career and life, you will not only commit to increasing it, you will make it a priority.
How To Raise Your Frequency
You will learn many different proven ways to increase your energy frequency so you find ones that work for you and your life.
At different times, you will find some methods work better than others, so it’s important to have different methods in your tool chest.
How to Make Decisions and Navigate Your Career
Once you have embodied a higher frequency, how you see things will change, therefore, how you will move within your career will change.
In this section you will learn how to navigate with this new way of being.
I’m so over hustling and over-working to get mediocre results.
Years ago I began to realize that there is a better way of doing thing to not only create success and fulfillment in my career, but also feel completely passionate, engaged and connected to what I’m doing. And very important, for it to feel easy.
For opportunities to just land in my lap…which they now do.
I have been sitting on this information for a long time now, but I have heard you. You are READY for this information.
You are ready to step into your power and co-create the way you were always meant to…using energy and raising your vibrational frequency to magnetize what it is that lights your soul on fire.
I am on a mission to share this information, so you can also stop struggling and magnetize in all the joy, passion, success and fulfillment that you can take.
This is perfect for you if…
🚀 You have been working hard and you don’t seem to be reaching the level of success and fulfillment that you feel you should be considering the level of effort you are putting in.
🔥 Now, you’re feeling like you cannot work any harder and you feel there MUST be an easier way.
🚀 You suspect there is something going on with energy, but you don’t really quite understand it and it’s all seemed too woo-woo to this point.
🔥 You are READY to to uplevel yourself and your career so you can enjoy much more success and fulfillment.

Understand at a logical level, how energy works and WHY it’s so critically important that you focus on raising your vibrational frequency.
You will understand WHY you haven’t been able to achieve the level of success and fulfillment you deeply desire, and therefore, you will understand HOW you CAN create those results.
Have a tool chest full of actual strategies that you can use every day. These don’t take a lot of time or effort, it’s the consistency of them that creates the higher vibration.
Know how to navigate your career with your new higher vibrational frequency. How you make decisions will change and you will know how to make decisions or take action from this higher perspective.
This is the fun part, where we use far less effort and get far better results.
This event is designed specifically for you, the person who is READY to step into your power and create much more success and fulfillment in your career…and with MUCH greater ease.
I am offering it at an incredibly low price to get this information into the hands of as many people who are ready for it, as possible.
We are all energetically connected, so the more people who raise their own frequency, the more loving and harmonious our planet will be.
This event will be Live on Zoom.
Tuesday, Nov 14th @ 4pm PST/7pm EST
Thursday, Nov 16th @ 4pm PST/7pm EST
Tuesday, Nov 21st @ 4pm PST/7pm EST
Each class will be 90 minutes
It might be slightly shorter or slightly longer, depending on how many questions there are.
Although you will have the best experience if you are there Live, the replay will be available immediately afterwards so you can watch it prior to the next class.
All replays will be available afterwards.
One week prior to the first class, you will get invited to an exclusive private group on LinkedIn. This group will be there for you to ask questions, get support and to interact with other participants.
All this for the low price of $97
If you register by midnight PST Thursday, November 2nd, you will be entered into a draw to win a free 60 minute Power Hour 1:1 Coaching Session with me.
2005 was my very first introduction into the world of energy. My daughter, who was just 21 months at the time appeared as though she was going to be autistic. After a long period of time searching for a doctor who could help us, I stumbled upon a naturopath who did what felt like witch craft to me at the time, and helped heal her with energy work. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I’m not entirely sure I would have believed it.
As the years went on and I dove deep into the world of personal development and was doing everything I could to change my life, everything kept leading me back to energy. By 2011 my life started dramatically changing as I committed to not only understanding it, but also using my energy to create the life I ultimately desire.
Raising my vibrational frequency is behind me changing from a soul-sucking career as a CPA to doing what I love. It’s also the backbone of all the coaching that I do 1:1 with clients.
To say understanding energy and raising my vibrational frequency has changed my entire life….is an understatement.
Knowing this will change your life…full stop.